Thursday, May 29, 2014

MAY 28, 2014

Today was a bright sunny day, which was very good for travel.  We had a detour around some construction.  It resulted in a few people taking experimental routes.  There were some u-turns for corrections, and a few completed detours different from what was intended.  At the end of the day, we were all in Mitchell, as planned.  There were a few stops en-route that not everyone made, but those who did enjoyed them.

Capt. Schaaf preparing to depart.

Elk Point was the first stop.  At this location, Lewis and Clark allowed the men in the party to vote for a Sergeant to replace Sgt. Floyd after he died.  Sergeant Gass was elected. 

Those who didn't stop, saw the sign along the highway!

Never heard of an election for Military Officers before.

Handsome fella, wonder if they made this bust from a photograph.

The second en-route stop was the National Music Museum.  It contains a tremendous number of displays of instruments from the 1800's through the present.

Honey, this is a museum!  I thought it was a music hall.
You know, with drinks and dancing.

Beautiful collection of instruments.

Some uncommon ones.

Some nearly unknown!

Put a dollar in the slot, turn the handle and you get a heck of a racket!

The evening ended with a great potluck dinner, music and card game.  A very nice end to a great day.

You can't hide, we saw you take that third bowl of chili!
Older than most of the instruments in the museum.

The evening craft class made wonderful fans.

This picture wasn't from today (Stetson Outlet Store).
What the heck, it's a great picture anyway.
He's a big sucker!

Jeff and Noreene

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